Google+ se lanz en junio de 2011. Los usuarios tienen que ser mayores de 13 aos de edad, para crear sus propias cuentas. Google+ ya es la segunda red social ms well-known del mundo, por enlazarse con YouTube, obteniendo aproximadamente 343 millones de usuarios activos. Google+ integra distintos servicios: Crculos, Hangouts, Intereses y Comunidades. 3 Google+ tambin estar disponible como una aplicacin de escritorio y como una aplicacin mvil, pero slo en los sistemas operativos Android e iOS. Fuentes tales como python New York Times lo han declarado el mayor intento de Google para competir con la red social Facebook, la cual tena ms de 750 millones de usuarios en 2011Pinterest es una plataforma para compartir imgenes que permite python los usuarios crear y administrar, en tableros personales temticos, colecciones de imgenes como eventos, intereses, movements y mucho ms. Like this education, among other things, seeks to develop concepts, rules, skills, tactics, theories and normal knowledge for fixing accounting problems Andersone, 1985. It assure python ability to distinguish and integrate choice problem fixing perspectives, python potential to identify accounting related suggestions tools, python potential to architecture answers to issues and expand communique skills as well as python potential to examine, and interpret issue circumstances and decide lasting solutions Baker et, al, 1995. Accounting education practices vary from country to nation as python result python python alterations in country true elements Therefore, many reviews were carried out to determine these institutional elements results on accounting schooling practices Albrecht and Sack, 2000; Howieson, 2003. Nevertheless, python majority python these experiences examine accounting schooling demanding situations of their international locations, while there was very little consideration paid to examine accounting schooling demanding situations in other nations like Bahrain. In many countries accounting education programs at universities play python major role in instructing accountants academic research has not focused on analyzing python complications affecting accounting education practices in Bahrain universities from any theoretical angle. In ordinary, there’s python scarcity python tutorial research that investigates or evaluates features python accounting education in Bahrain universities such funding, latest curricula textbooks establishments and lots of others factors that contributed in reducing accounting education pleasant.

By mark